Discover the results of the
State of European
Tech Communities
A report that captures the current trends, innovations and challenges characterizing the technology landscape across Europe.
+250 European communities from 33 different countries took part in the survey, answering questions regarding:
the impact of a tech community on personal and professional growth derived from participation in a community;
the value of diversity;
the comparison of various organizational methodologies and the topics of greatest interest;
the success stories and challenges faced daily by each community organizer.
Discover all the insights that emerged from the State Of European Tech Communities 2023 research!
Watch the launch event
Download the presentation slides

Take part in the next year project
The State Of European Tech Communities is a project we created in collaboration with 250 tech communities in Europe. Discussion and involvement are fundamental and for this reason we have prepared a space in which:
allow communities that did not participate this year to take part in next year's survey;
collect your feedbacks on the project and improve it;
collect your interests to include in the 2024 survey.
Your opinion matter!
Doubts, questions, suggestions?
Write to Michela: