Wannabe Speaker Program

Here is a mentorship program that allows you to create a path to take your first steps into the world of public speaking.

Have you never given a talk but would like to try your hand at public speaking? 

Send an email to community+en@codemotion.it, telling us who you are, why you would like to receive mentorship, and what goal you would like to achieve. We will connect you with one of our Ambassador team members who will be happy to support you on this journey!

What the mentorship includes:

If you want to enter the world of public speaking, you will receive free mentorship that will guide you through all the steps of creating a talk, including:

All we ask from you is enthusiasm, motivation, and a willingness to challenge yourself!

How this program was born:

We want to support the personal and professional growth of our community members. One way we do this is by creating opportunities for discussion, sharing, and learning.

Try a new experience or refine your skills in the world of public speaking.

Public speaking doesn’t just mean speaking on a stage in front of thousands of people; it also means honing your presentation skills and organizing concepts to effectively communicate the message you want to convey, tailored to the audience in front of you. Feeling more confident in this area is very important for our personal and professional development because it means being able to communicate efficiently with our team members, clearly and simply propose an idea, or present our project in a work meeting. Feeling comfortable in this area certainly helps to boost self-esteem, develop leadership, and build our personal brand.

Discover the experiences of those who participated in the program during Codemotion Milan 2023

Laura Villa

My journey began with an innocent WhatsApp message from a former colleague with whom I had shared a few small talks. "What do you think about joining the Wannabe Speaker program at Codemotion?" Without overthinking it, much like Neo with the red pill, I said yes. Oh gosh, it was a big event, and I would be on stage alone, but after all, how different could it be? "My sweet summer child," as they say in Westeros. With that yes, I met Emanuele Bartolesi, my designated mentor and "guardian angel" for the next two months.

Between Zoom calls, Telegram groups, and 1:1 sessions that bordered on psychotherapy, I gathered a wealth of Tips & Tricks on public speaking. "But don't you really want me to tell you what I plan to put in the slides?" Only later did I realize that Emanuele was focused on getting me to talk about anything, but to do it well. I could have talked about the migration of fireflies or origami techniques (well, maybe not at Codemotion), the important thing was to do it well.

The day of the event, I thought I was ready. Then, when I walked into the Superstudio on Via Tortona, I realized I wasn't. I arrived early to get my badge, and the crowd had yet to arrive. Maybe it was the size of the venue, the strobe lights, the thousands of sci-fi-like headphones on every chair—suddenly, I realized this was a top-tier event. Would I be up to the challenge?

Probably not, if it weren't for the Wannabe Speaker program. It's a bit like diving in, pushing your limits, but with a safety net. And that net is the friendly faces of your mentor and those who shared the journey with you. Knowing that even if the Wi-Fi fails, even if the Q&A app crashes while they're asking you questions, even if the laser pointer you brought doesn't work on the too-bright screen—it's okay. You can still pull it off.

Sure, there are other paths: you can improvise as a speaker, but you have to be ready to learn by trial and error—and sometimes, even take a few hits—session after session. But believe me, if someone messages you on WhatsApp asking if you want to join the Wannabe Speaker program, don't think too much about it: take the red pill and go for it.

Mentor: Emanuele Bartolesi - Codemotion Ambassador

MenteeLaura Villa

Marta Scandellari

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Marta, and I work as a functional analyst, but I still do some development in my spare time.

How did you meet your mentor, and what did you do during the mentorship?

My mentor, Serena, is involved in many things, including being part of the SheTech community, which is how we met. After our initial video meeting, she listened to me, guided me, and encouraged me to cultivate an idea and prepare a short talk to express it.

What were your expectations?

I expected to take a leap into the unknown because speaking at a large, highly technical meeting intimidated me. However, the mentorship program made me feel safe at all times, and I was able to express myself, enjoying the experience even more.

What topic did you talk about during your talk?

During my talk, I discussed "kind code," which is a way of coding and producing technical deliverables that respects both oneself and others—not just focusing on readability but also on care, humor, and beauty in the final product.

How did you feel when you stepped onto the stage?

When I first stepped onto the stage, I was a bit nervous, but then I remembered Serena’s words: “Go out there and crush it! Have fun!” And I have to say, I really did have fun.

What impact did this initiative have on your growth? Is it an experience you would recommend? If so, why?

Participating in Codemotion with an active role had a positive impact on my personal growth because it allowed me to take another step toward self-confidence. I recommend anyone to try giving a talk, but I especially encourage all women to do so: the tech world needs us, there’s space for us, and we need to be the first to believe in it.

What would you recommend to make the most out of this experience?

To make the most of this experience, I recommend taking full advantage of everything the convention and its fantastic organization offer. Facilities like the speaker room, the headphones that help you hear your own voice better during the talk, and the gadgets that foster a sense of belonging really boost your motivation to do well and make the environment feel safe and welcoming—the perfect place where you "wannabe" a speaker.

Mentor: Serena Sensini - Codemotion Ambassador

MenteeMarta Scandellari

Davide Mandelli

Hey folks! 👋🏼 Welcome to all tech and software development enthusiasts!

I'm Davide, Software Engineer @ Klarna, and I'm one of the 120 speakers who had the opportunity to step on stage to share their experience at Codemotion Milan 2023.
If you don't know what Codemotion is (that's a shame, you should!), it's the biggest tech conference in Italy 🇮🇹🤌🏼 and one of the biggest tech conferences in Europe. They organize a lot of events and webinars about a lot of topics: accessibility, AI, programming languages and much more.

My journey began when I received a message from my dear friend Emanuele on Telegram asking if I'd like to join Codemotion's WannaBe Speaker program and deliver a public session for the very first time in my life. Just to add a bit of context, Emanuele is a Codemotion ambassador, Microsoft MVP, GitHub Star and lastly GitHub Star of the Year (2023). He's always been my inspiration since day 0 when I started working in the IT world (I met him as a colleague in my first job experience) and he has always encouraged and motivated me to do my best to shine.

The mentorship with Emanuele was an intense and educational journey. He did something around 120 sessions in public and many more online, so I was sure that thanks to his incredible experience he would have advised me in the best way possible.
For these and many other reasons, his proposal to guide and mentor me through the world of public speaking was the spark that immediately ignited my determination and convinced me that I would make it, so I accepted!

Through Meet calls, Telegram groups, and individual sessions, Emanuele shared many essential but extremely helpful tips and strategies to face the stage with confidence.
He didn't just prepare me for the event; he aimed to bring out a unique communication style, valid for this session and for any other session I will do in the future.

Initially, I had many expectations and fears. It was my very first time at an event of this entity and at the same time, I had never spoken on a stage before so I was completely unaware of what I was going towards: it was a leap of faith. About 2400 people were attending the event, so I knew that I would have had to be well prepared on my topic and that my public speaking skills would have been put to a real test.
However, Codemotion's WannaBe Speaker program exceeded all my predictions: the event wasn't just a place to talk about technology and meet new cool people; it was a unique opportunity to grow as an individual.
Reality surpassed expectations, transforming the event into a springboard for my personal and professional growth.

The content of my session was about the View Transitions API, a new browser API still partially in beta and available just for Chromium browsers (as of today 😃).
I tried to convey my passion and knowledge on the subject, engaging the audience in a meaningful conversation. The preparation with Emanuele made this moment even more rewarding.

On the day of the talk, I was a bit nervous and excited at the same time: as soon as I reached the venue, I immediately realized how big it was and how many people there would have been: I was shocked! 🤯
I had the opportunity to meet new fantastic people, see familiar faces, and engage in insightful conversations that enriched both my professional network and personal experiences.

I also got the chance to stay in the "speaker room", where I took the opportunity to review my slides and check if everything was ready for the session that was planned for the afternoon.

The moment I stepped onto the stage was a mix of emotions: adrenaline, enthusiasm, and a slight tension blended as the audience awaited my words. Thanks to both Emanuele and the support of the program, I faced the stage with confidence, aware that I was up there for a reason and not because I was a random lucky person.

The session went pretty well: maybe I just started too quickly for fear of missing something during the speech 😅 As soon as I stepped off the stage, some people came to provide feedback and ask questions: that moment was probably my favorite because is the most "rewarding" - knowing that the audience was engaged and eager to discuss the topic made the entire experience truly fulfilling.

I highly recommend this experience for anyone aspiring to improve their speaking skills: it encourages personal and professional growth. Mentors like Emanuele create a stage for you to shine. Taking the red pill and joining this experience is a step toward inevitable growth and unlocking your potential. It's definitely worth it!

This initiative had a profound impact on my personal and professional growth. I learned to overcome the challenges of public speaking and gained confidence in my abilities. The network of connections and the experience with the WannaBe Speaker Program became invaluable resources for my future path.

In conclusion, Codemotion Milan 2023 was an absolutely unforgettable chapter in my career.
Thanks to the WannaBe Speaker Program, I overcame my fears and embraced the stage with confidence. -If you receive an invitation to participate, don't hesitate to take this unique opportunity!

Thanks to everyone who made this extraordinary journey possible!

See you at next year's Codemotion! 😉

Mentor: Emanuele Bartolesi - Codemotion Ambassador

MenteeDavide Mandelli

Youvica Naidoo

I had the incredible opportunity to attend and present at Codemotion in Milan, and let me tell you, it was an experience like no other! As a new tech enthusiast, being surrounded by like-minded individuals and industry experts was nothing short of exhilarating.

My presentation delved into the captivating realm of a transhumanist future, a topic that has been gaining popularity recently. The process of researching and learning about our ever-evolving human evolution was not only enlightening but also fueled my passion for the tech world.

However, I must admit – I didn't think stage fright was real until it happened! Stepping onto the stage for the second time was a daunting yet incredibly rewarding experience, especially considering it was my first conference. The nerves were real, but so was the sense of accomplishment that followed.

As the saying goes, "If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again." This phrase couldn't have rung truer for me during those moments on the stage. Overcoming the initial hesitation and embracing the challenge head-on reinforced the belief that the most certain way to succeed is always to try again.

Codemotion not only provided a platform for sharing insights into the tech world but also served as a personal growth journey. The supportive environment, coupled with the shared passion for technology, made the experience unforgettable. 

Here's to embracing the tech wave and looking forward to more opportunities for growth and learning in the dynamic world of technology. 👩🏽‍💻 🙌🏽 

A special thank you goes out to my incredible mentor Michela Bertaina 🚀 

Mentor: Michela Bertaina - Codemotion Community Program Manager

MenteeYuvica Naidoo