Event sharing support

Here is a very short resource dedicated to our partners to receive our support in promoting events through our channels (inclusion in the platform, newsletter, Telegram and social media) as indicated in the partnership proposal.

Re-sharing partner events

We share your community events on Twitter and Instagram Stories, just mention us as a partner in: 

Remember to also use #CodemotionPartner

Important: IG NOTE 

Promotion of partner events

If you upload your event to the platform

-- we will include it in the monthly community newsletter with monthly partner events that will be sent the first week of the following month; 

-- the week of the event will be promoted in the weekly newsletter; 

-- the week before the day of the event we will make a promotional tweet citing you as a partner; 

-- it will be included in the weekly message on the Telegram Codemotion Community channel 

Attention: we will not share events on social media/newsletters/telegram that do not present: 

We care that meetups are of value and interest to community members.


How can I create an event on the Codemotion platform?

To create an event on the codemotion platform you will need to have registered your community on community.codemotion.com

To do this you will have to: 

Once completed, a member of the team will approve your request. 

Once the request has been approved, simply enter the event as follows: 

The event will appear on community.codemotion.com.

I don't use the Codemotion platform's booking system, what can I do?

If you use another ticket management system, you can still enter the event on the platform to take advantage of the visibility mentioned above, by inserting the link to the correct registration page. 

You just have to: 

How can I manage CFPs on the Codemotion platform?

How can I have my discounts in the promo page?

Write an email to community@codemotion.it indicating: